Tuesday, April 26, 2011

CGM Bloopers.

Life with diabetes isn't always a smooth ride. Sometimes it's a whirly-twirly rollercoaster and I'm just trying not to ralph on the kid sitting in front of me.

While I can achieve pretty decent in-rangey numbers most of the time, I certainly have my share of "Oh, crap" moments. Times where I SWAGed unsuccessfully. Times where I forgot to use a combo bolus in place of the regular kind. Times where it was Tuesday. (In other words, times where I have no freaking idea what happened.)

I love sharing the successes I have, like this guy:

It's No-Hitter-ish!
But, let's be realistic - it's not always like that. Instead, a lot of it is like this.

The CGM Blooper Reel.

One of these spikes is not like the other...
Doesn't look like a constant blood sugar to me, Jim.
Oh, there's my coffee.

I was just as confused.

At least I was consistent?

I can't help but think that this looks like a camel.

Correcting one problem with another.

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