Monday, April 4, 2011

Taking It Glitterally.

There are certain phrases in the world o' diabetes that make me feel... something. Amused, annoyed, bewildered. We encounter these phrases from people who mean well, but aren't very educated about what diabetes is (or that there's more than one type), much less what living with it is like. And some of them just make me giggle.

 "It's an extreme form of diabetes."

What does that even mean?

Because when I think of "extreme diabetes", my mind automatically goes here:

Also, here:

"My {insert name of friend, relative, person 
they barely know here} had diabetes too, and they {insert name of complication, or death, here}.

Telling us that you know someone else with diabetes? That's totally cool. What's not cool is telling us all of the bad things that could (or might never) happen to us. It's unfortunate that your friend/relative/cat/long-lost cousin had complications from diabetes, but everyone's journey with it is different. And even if it won't be - hearing all about it doesn't benefit anyone.

"Diabetic Socks"

This is one of my favorites - because, really how can socks have diabetes?

What phrases do you hear about diabetes that don't make sense (if you try to take 
them glitterally - er, literally)?

* * * * *

Thanks to Abby and Brian for providing some inspiration for today's post. :)

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