Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ten Things.


Today's prompt: Having a positive attitude is important . . . but let’s face it, diabetes isn’t all sunshine and roses (or glitter and unicorns, for that matter). So today let’s vent by listing ten things about diabetes that we hate. Make them funny, make them sarcastic, make them serious, make them anything you want them to be!!

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The Top Ten Reasons I'd Like To Break Up With Diabetes.
  1. Partners should pull their own weight in a relationship, but I'm the one doing all of the heavy lifting, every day. Rude.
  2. You are the most expensive date ever. You're all about wearing the top labels - but that stuff's expensive, dude. An ATM, I am not.
  3. You give me chills; they're multiplying. And sometimes, I lose control. (And not in a good way.)
  4. Wicked, rapid mood swings. Up, down. Back up again. Crashing down. Seriously? Get your crap together.
  5. I can never get a straight answer from you about the future. I mean, you put a ring on it; sure. We've been together for 25 years, so we've got some stability and experience on our side. But I've heard about your other relationships, and you've done some pretty rotten things to people. I can't help but wonder if we'll follow the same road.
  6. When was the last time we cuddled?
  7. I'm always carrying your accessories around for you, and these ginormous purses hurt my shoulders. Gift cards for massages welcome on my next birthday.
  8. Much like Kanye West, you're attention-starved and never seem to stop talking.
  9. You're always like, "Oh, let's try Mexican food again! I love that stuff! I can totally handle it!". And then you're yelling at me about how horrible it was for hours afterwards.
  10. And finally, Diabetes, you hurt me all the time. You're a prick. There. I said it.

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