Monday, January 17, 2011

So, This Is Happening. Again.

At Mile 9 last year - which includes The Hill That
Everyone Hates.  Somehow, I survived it.  With a smile!
Last year, I did something I'd never done before - my first half-marathon. (Notice that I didn't say I ran it - because most of it was done walking. But I still completed it, darn it!) Being able to do that made me feel like something of a badass - because I'm no example of peak health, either in appearance or internally, and yet I was able to do something most sane people never desire to attempt. (As you may have guessed, I'm a fan of doing those very types of things from time to time.)

It was an accomplishment I was proud of; something I could check off of that proverbial bucket list. Immediately after the race, I thought, "I want to do this again!", but the passage of time had quelled that feeling.

Up until yesterday, anyway - because I registered for this year's half-marathon.

I blame my brother. He's The Athlete in the family - he did that same half-marathon with me last year, and finished so quickly that he had time to drive back through the course to find me, and walk with me for part of my race. (A sweet gesture - but also a reminder of how far I have to go to be "in shape".)  He's run a full marathon since then, and did quite well. He's regimented and dedicated in his workout routine - the opposite of me, in other words.

My sweetheart of a friend, M, whose house backs up
to the marathon route, made a sign for me.  What a gal!

He stayed with us this past weekend, and somehow managed to talk me into doing this again. I have three and a half months to train, which won't be nearly enough, but that's what I have. There's a possibility I won't be able to actually compete that day, but registering and committing to this event gives me the motivation I need to get regular exercise before then - which is totally worth that registration fee, for me. A also offered to be my "Pit Stop Guy" again every few miles, which will help immensely.

I need to reread The Diabetic Athlete's Handbook, which has been collecting a telling amount of dust on my bookshelf.

So, there it is. I'm training for a half-marathon now. Yikes.

(If anyone has tips on how to train, or how to keep my BGs at a more decent level while competing, I'd love the feedback. I'm pretty much going from couch to race on this one - much as I did last year.)

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