Saturday, November 20, 2010

Never Satisfied.

My breakfast excursion this morning has me concerned.

I picked up a spinach, egg white and cheese breakfast wrap from Starbucks this morning, along with the largest skinny latte they make - which comes out to around 70g of carbs.  I was already trending down slightly on the Dexcom, so I opted for the combo bolus.  I did a 50/50 split over an hour, and set it up while sitting in my car, so I'd have a little bit of time for it to get to work before I got to my desk and could dig in.

That was an hour and a half ago, and right now I'm 108.  Here's my question:  should I be concerned or happy?

Even with a "great" BG like that, I can't help but worry that it means I'm about to drop too low any minute now.  A high-ish carb breakfast, which includes coffee, will normally send me up anywhere from 50 to 100 mg/dL, so I'm not sure what to think of this.

How sad is that?  A reading like 108 is pretty rad - but I can't enjoy it, because I'm too worried about the circumstances surrounding it.  I guess I'm never satisfied - the future is too uncertain, diabetically speaking, to have the luxury of feeling that way.

I'm also right in the middle of that two-hour calibration window with my Dexcom, so I can't watch what's happening.  I just have to go by how I feel, and test every half hour.  It feels like I'm trying to walk across a highway with a blindfold and noise-cancelling headphones on.

Normally, I'm just wearing the blindfold.

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