Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pregnancy Observations.

Why do most maternity pants not have functional pockets? I've never felt so let down by a garment of clothing. Do designers believe that pregnant women have no further need to carry small items around with them? Do they expect us to just shove everything in the stretchy tummy fabric and look as though we're growing a robot of some sort in our bellies? My insulin pump most comfortably resides in my pants pocket, sirs. Please fix this.

Is being pregnant like being cured? I'm beginning to think so, because the amount of carbs I'm eating might make even Adam Richman raise an eyebrow. Hungry Hungry Hippos don't even snack this often.

I miss (caffeinated) coffee. I miss coffee like Champ misses Ron. I've been crashing around 9:30 pm most nights (!) and taking naps left and right. I miss your musk, Ron.

Never has an embellished CGM beep been so annoying. "You're under 55! Wake up!" (I do; I test; 75 mg/dL.) "You... are a jerk. And wrong. Please stop, and let me sleep." And so on. Every night, nearly. It's hard to maintain a fasting bg of between 65 and 95 when your CGM threshold is 60 and it seems prone to overreacting.

Have I mentioned that I miss coffee?

It's one item on a long list of "things to avoid that I rather enjoy": smoked or cured meats (meaning: bacon, some ham, breakfast sausage, the salmon in some cooked sushi... pretty much all of the good stuff), cold cut sandwiches, anything with raw-ish eggs (most Caesar dressings, hollandaise sauce), and the obvious: alcohol. Pretty sure that once August comes and goes, I will be washing a bacon Eggs Benedict down with some wine.

It's all worth it, mind you, but it's an adjustment I haven't been looking forward to making. And now it's here, and now I need a nap.

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