Monday, September 3, 2012

Lost For Words.

Words escape me, at this time.

My friend Meri, who is truly one of the most wonderful people you'll ever meet, lost her husband to cancer over the weekend. Sara puts it well: "I only met him for five minutes in a hotel room in Florida when I dropped off dinner for his family. [But] if you can tell the character of a person by the other people in their life (and I believe you can), Ryan Schuhmacher was an amazing man." 

The road ahead for their family will be difficult in ways that no one but they can know. Ryan was the family's sole source of income, and with four growing boys - three of whom have type 1 diabetes - that road begins to look even more steep.

If you're inclined to lend some support during this immensely difficult time for the Schuhmacher family, please consider doing so here.

My heavy heart is in California, with the Schuhmachers. Much love to you all.

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