Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dexcom G4 Platinum: What I Like (and What I Don't).

A baby and 14 months later, I finally can check "do a follow-up YouTube video on how I like my Dexcom G4 Platinum" off of my to-do list. Remember that unboxing one?

I realize none of this is earth-shattering news, but hey, you know, might as well provide some unsolicited user experience feedback. Mostly I did this so I can stop thinking to myself, "I really should get around to that..."


(I should also note that this video assumes you already know the basic "pros" like, "It tells me trend information!" and "It alarms for high and low BG parameters that I can set!", and "cons" like, "I have to wear a medical device!" and "Holy hell this thing is expensive!".)

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