Keeping that in mind, I have something to ask of you.
Something was ignited at the Diabetes Advocate Forum last week (#MedtronicDAF), and I don't think any of us are willing to let this fire reignited inside of us burn out. Nope, instead we're asking you to add your branches and kindling to the flames and let's get this thing so big and powerful that it amazes even us how far it reaches; so that no corner of our diabetes community goes without feeling its warmth wash over them.
“Here’s what T1D looks like in Haiti.” (photo of young girl) “This child died.” Heart just exploded. #MedtronicDAF
— Kim / Diabetes (@txtngmypancreas) January 11, 2014
Changing diabetes beings with us, and ends with us.
So here's what I'm asking of you: there is work to do, and this community - and me, specifically - need you to be ready and willing to act. There will be many times this year that I'll be calling upon you for action, in many forms, and I'm asking you to be open to that. I'm asking you to help change the world with me, little bit by little bit.
(Whoooooa, there, big dreamer! It's a pretty big leap of faith to assume you can...)
Oh, hey, I'm glad you said that, because that's exactly what I want to emphasize.
One of the speakers we heard from was David Strasberg - son of Lee Strasberg, the infamous acting coach; he and his son both live with T1D - who coached us on "the art of asking". I'm completely paraphrasing here, but here's one of the things he said that keeps sticking in my brain:
"People call it a 'leap of faith', but that's not what it is at all. 'Faith' assumes that everything works out in the end - that's not real life. When you leap, everything is uncertain and where you'll land is impossible to see. It's more realistic to call it a 'Leap of Doom', and it's one of the hardest things to do."
I'm asking you ("you" is everyone - fellow PWDs, HCPs, advocacy organizations, device manufacturers, pharma, ALL OF YOU) to "leap of doom" with me this year, because doing what feels safe or certain isn't the same stuff that will enact change. I'm asking you to be open to chaos with me; to be bold; to raise your hand at the very moments it feels uncomfortable to do so. Change is scary, but that's exactly the feeling we need to thrust ourselves towards. The things in life that are most worth doing are usually the hardest.
"Imagine a world where industry and patients work together to help #pwd..."- Nancy Katz on taking steps forward, Medtronic #MedtronicDAF
— Medtronic Diabetes (@MDT_Diabetes) January 12, 2014
I'm asking you to use your resources and connections to further the work being done by diabetes advocates like myself. I'm motivated, willing, and over-the-top enthusiastic, but I can't do it alone. If you see value in what we're working towards, show us.
When we don't work together, it's easy to make excuses for why we don't succeed. #MedtronicDAF
— Mike Lawson Diabetes (@MrMikeLawson) January 12, 2014
I'm asking you to be part of "us". Let's Leap of Doom all over the place in 2014.
Disclosure reminder: Medtronic Diabetes and Bayer Health paid for expenses such as travel, lodging, and food during my attendance at their event. I was not paid for or asked to write about the event, and opinions are my own.
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