Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Emotions Of Insulin Pumping?

Update: you can find the results of this crowdsourcing post here.

Chris brought up an interesting point in his post earlier this week: when a person starts with their first insulin pump, there should be emotional training that happens along with the technical training you receive. In addition to learning how to set your basal rates and where the setting is for BEEP BOOP BEEP volumes, you should also get a heads up on how pumping insulin may impact how you feel, what other people might say to you, and things you wouldn't think about ahead of time but would be "good to know" as you head into the cyborg life.

You feel me?

If so, I'm asking for your input: if you have any experience involving using an insulin pump, what would you want someone considering one to know about the emotional side of using an insulin pump? Please leave your advice/anecdotes/sassy wisdom in the comments, and I'll compile them in another post. Thank you!

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