Tuesday, January 1, 2013


If you've ever spent a decent amount of time around a Corgi (or the flooring in my house), you'll notice that every so often they get this giant burst of energy. Suddenly, they are compelled to run like a joyful maniac all over the house at top speed, for maybe 30 - 45 seconds. They just kind of lose their minds for a brief time - it's nuts, and I can't stop giggling every time Billy does it. It has a name - it's called "frapping", and Corgis are notorious for it.

And then, as swiftly as it started, it ends. They lay down, exhausted from the sprinting, and recooperate a bit.

I feel like I've been frapping, myself, for a while now. I've been running and running, except that instead of torn-up carpeting, I've left unfinished projects, date nights with my husband, sleep, and the ability to remember what I did even last week in my wake. While I am proud of everything I was able to do "here" this past year, I'm looking forward in 2013 to finding out what I can do everywhere else in my life. Can I merge what I love doing and what I can make a living doing? Maybe. Can I find a better balance between my laptop and my life? I hope so. Can I see some of my "real life" friends more than twice a year? Goodness, I hope so.

And so, I'm going to take Billy's lead and just lay down for a while, bloggily speaking. In order to do that, I'll be putting this blog into a medically-induced coma hiatus for a little while. I'm not done, but I do want a breather. Will it be a few weeks? A few months? Will I go four days and then have something I want to post again? I don't know, but I'm going to take the opportunity to find out.

(For those trying to read between the lines, nothing is "wrong", but thank you for being concerned. And yeah, I built all of that momentum with #GiveAllTheThings last month, and now it will lay down for a nice nap. That's just how I roll.)

My wish is that your new year is off to a wonderful start, and that you, too, will take the steps you need to in order to be as healthy and happy as you can be. We all deserve the chance at better balance.

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