Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cute Food.

There is a Thing Of Which We Do Not Speak today. The community of those of us who live with this same chronic condition, this Thing Of Which We Do Not Speak, have decided that we're taking a day off.  As George put it, “We are more than a disease - a lot more.  Tomorrow is a day to share some of that. There are many facets to each one of us and since we do talk so much about our D lives, we maybe miss some other cool stuff about each other."

So here, today, I will share something else about myself: my love of making cute food, and my according affinity for the kitchen gadgets that help make them.

I find it kind of funny, because I don’t think of myself as the traditional ‘domestic goddess’ or whatever. I’m not all that girly – I’d much rather be wearing jeans and a t-shirt than a dress. I dread having to color my hair or get it cut. High heels? HA! Not likely.

But, for some reason, I totally dig food prep. Specifically, baking and appetizer assembly. Something about the presentation and preparation of food really appeals to me – it’s a calming ritual, in a way. I had a brief stint as a Pampered Chef consultant, but my lack of hard selling skills put a swift end to it after a few months. I’m actually okay with that, because I ended up getting some pretty neat kitchen tools in the process.

My husband and I like to have people over often, so it gives me a lot of opportunities to try stuff out. Here are a few of my favorites.

Cream Cheese Penguins.  On a penguin plate, of course.

Guacamole Deviled Eggs.  They are delicious,
and yes, those are Wheat Thins.

Baby Cupcakes! 

And, of course, Baby Bottle Mini-Cupcakes.

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