Friday, February 28, 2014


I have been wearing an insulin pump of some sort (the Cozmo, the Ping, and now the t:slim) since sometime in 2005, which means I've been pumping for nearly 9 years. Let's say, on average, I'm eating three meals a day plus a couple of snacks. Every time I eat, I need to take insulin.

That means that I've programmed roughly 16,425 food boluses in my life.

My breakfast routine has also stayed consistent for months: make an egg sandwich and wrap it in foil, grab all my stuff, get into my car, bolus for food, eat said food while driving to work. Every morning. Just like that.

Given all this, someone please explain how I managed to forget to bolus for breakfast today until I arrived at work and saw that my blood sugar was accelerating at the same pace as my frustration.


The next most significant organ when it comes to diabetes, next to the pancreas?

The brain.

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