Wednesday, May 16, 2012

#DBlogWeek: Fantasy Diabetes Device.

Today's prompt: Today let’s tackle an idea inspired by Bennet of Your Diabetes May Vary. Tell us what your Fantasy Diabetes Device would be? Think of your dream blood glucose checker, delivery system for insulin or other meds, magic carb counter, etc etc etc. The sky is the limit – what would you love to see?

* * * * *

Everyone else has Siri.

I want a Bigi.

(Get it? Siri, but for diabetes?)

Can you imagine the possibilities? She has to know everything that's going on with me - linked in to my pump settings and history, various glucose meters, a built-in pedometer to account for my activity (or lack thereof), the ability to sync with other applications, a sense of what time of month it is (ahem), and a little bit of a Magic 8-Ball forecasting ability. Oh hell, and let's throw in the fact that she's an artificial pancreas, too. (Hey, it says fantasy device, right? This is my dream! I will have flying puppies made of sunshine if I want!)

One application to rule them all...

DONK DONK! "Bigi, how should I bolus for this sandwich?"

DINK DINK! "Kim, you were dancing half an hour ago, and you've dropped below 60 mg/dL between 2:00 am and 4:00 am the past three nights. Let's try 5 units but decrease your basal rate for four hours."

DONK DONK! "Why am I 352 right now?"

DINK DINK! "That sandwich had more carbs than Calorie King suggested. I'll remember that for the future."

DONK DONK! "When was the last time I did an infusion site change?"

DINK DINK! "You last changed your site on Tuesday. You still have 11 hours before it should be changed."

DONK DONK! "Where do you think I should put the new site?"

DINK DINK! "The last four sites were in your abdomen. How about your left leg, this time?"

DONK DONK! "I need to make an eye appointment for next week."

DINK DINK! "I found one open appointment time with your doctor next week. Do you want me to schedule it?"


DONK DONK! "Diabetes is lame, Bigi. I've been on the glucoaster all day."

DINK DINK! "Here are some blog posts you may want to read."

DONK DONK! "Does my insurance cover the test strips for this new meter?"

DINK DINK! "Yes, it looks like your co-pay would be $20 per month for those strips."

DONK DONK! "I want to go swimming for an hour."

DINK DINK! "You go ahead. I'll take care of your basal rates."

DONK DONK! "Someone just told me that I could cure type 1 diabetes with a vegan diet, and now I want to punch them."

DINK DINK! "I found three bars that are fairly close to you..."

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