Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Best of the 'Betes Blogs: January Selections.

As I mentioned on Friday, I'm hosting the "Best of the 'Betes Blogs" carnival thingie today. (Carnival thingie! Technical term!) This round-up of posts exists with the idea that there are likely a whole slew of blogs and posts out there that some of you haven't discovered yet, and by pointing those out in an organized way each month, everyone's circles of support might expand a wee bit.

Nominations are in, and posts have been read. Thank you to everyone who sent in their selections!

And now, let the linkage begin:

Sometimes low blood sugars involve Yoda, gummy bears, and molasses legs. [Humor]

"I missed! I'll try again." [Vlog]

"The one thing you know right away is that it’s going to be tough to dress this up." [Photography]

Not talking is not the same thing as not caring. [Advocacy]

I think many of us might be happy to wear one of those vests, if this is what it involves. [Celebrity]

There's no time like the present to get things out in the open. [Non-D Post]

Searching for kindred souls. [Type 1]

Twitter, and the people who "get it". [Type 2]

"And then I learned." [Type Awesome]

"I cried, gasped, and winced. But it was what I needed."[Type 1.5/LADA]

Mistakes happen, and sometimes they involve an ambulance. [Mistake]

"Never abandon yourself." [Motivational]

Congratulations to everyone who was nominated - you had some great company! 

Next month's Best of the 'Betes Blogs will be hosted by Sue from RFamHere's Ramblings, so be sure to check in with her for February's results!

If you'd like to embed the BBB logo on your blog, here's the script. (Just replace all [ ] characters with < >, and you'll be golden.)

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