Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tune In And Comment.

There are a couple of very important things happening today, and I hope you'll consider engaging in one or both.

First, today is day two of the U.N. Summit on non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and the United Nations website has a live webcast going. I tuned in yesterday while I was at work (sound only), and I thought it was definitely worth the listen. That makes me either super nerdy or an engaged stakeholder in the future of diabetes care - either way, I'm okay with it. Head over to the webcast by clicking here. Note: you may need to click on a different "channel" than the one it defaults to - so watch out for that, and the webcast doesn't begin until 10:00am EST, so don't panic if you tune in and it's just video of an empty chair. :) (And if you missed Monday's sessions - good news! The U.N. archives their webcasts, so you can go back and watch whatever interests you.)

And second, today is the LAST DAY you can submit comments to the FDA regarding the Low-Glucose Suspend device (the first step in the Artificial Pancreas Project). Comments are due at 11:59pm TODAY. My friend Bernard wrote a great post about this already, and I hope you'll consider sharing your own thoughts with the FDA on why this technology needs to be pushed through the approval process as expediently as possible. As a fellow advocate says, "This is truly the absolute best way to have your voice heard and to be part of the regulatory process at FDA. When you submit comments, they are taken very seriously. Each and every comment is read, and all comments become part of the federal register. Your comments, if you submit them, become part of the file that each member of the committee receives, along with all of the data, statistics, information about trials, and all of the medical documentation. What I'm trying to say is that your comments are very powerful, and could possibly (and they have done so in the past) sway the decision of some of the members of the committee."

Make your voice heard!

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