Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Dress For #DProm.


Today's prompt is "Diabetes Bloopers", but since that's what I tend to write about any other time, I'm using one of the "wild card" topics: Today let's PROVE some fun d-myths like #dprom (the prom for diabetics around the world), Sprinkles (the glittery unicorn of advocacy), or Blünt Lancet (the diabetic heroes of rock)! Choose one of these “d-myths” (or create one yourself) and take it someplace creative! Write about any "myth" or story-line you can dream up! Let’s bring those “myths” to life!

* * * * *
I'd like to introduce...
My D-Prom Dress.

A. It's blue and glittery, for obvious reasons. It is also swingy, as I plan to do a LOT of dancing with my fellow PWDs.
B. "Sensible" shoes I can party all night in.
C. A purse just large enough to carry all of my d-gear, but small enough to feel fancy. And you can bet your BeDazzler that it's got a rhinestone cupcake on it.
D. Diet Coke martini, garnished with bacon. (Don't ask.)
E. Insulin pump, clipped to my dress and worn proudly as a corsage.
F. Huge goofy grin - because I can't imagine having any other expression at an event like this.
G. Horribly drawn kneecaps, and limbs that are much more skinny than in real life - brought to you by the magic that is Paintbrush!

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