I've never done a
meme on this blog before, but I liked the 30 Days in Photos Project list over at
Hey Baby Que Paso. (Thanks for the idea, Erin!) Day One's prompt is
A picture of yourself with ten facts, and I'm borrowing that concept for today's post.
A picture of myself:
Hey, look! It's the Empire State Building!
And, ten things about me, exclusive of diabetes.
- One of my favorite feelings in the world is laughing to the point of crying. If you can make me do that, I will buy you a sandwich.
- June is easily one of my favorite months - my birthday, my wedding anniversary, my dad's birthday - oh yeah, and Flag Day.
- I guess I've established a pattern of having a thing for birds?*
- When I was a fifth grader, our teacher dressed up for Halloween as Vincent Van Gogh. (She even had a bandage over her ear.) Ever since then, he's been my favorite artist. His work just makes sense to me.
- My feet are always cold, which seems to bother Aaron more than it bothers me.
- I'm a bit addicted to lip balm/gloss. I'm not sure how this happened.
- I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I haven't practiced since high school though, so don't expect me to pull out any wicked-awesome moves if we get mugged in an alley someday.
- There are a whole mess of movies that I haven't seen. Movies that "everyone" has seen. Movies that, when I claim to not having seen it, people generally react "WHAT???!?! You haven't seen _____??!!!?!?!" Yeah, sorry. I'm probably never going to get around to seeing them, either - but I can totally quote some Billy Madison or Anchorman for you in the meantime.
- Cardigan sweaters are a wardrobe staple. I must have at least twenty of them.
- I will listen to just about anything with a good beat. But maybe you already knew that.
*I've noticed recently that I seem to keep collecting decorative things with birds on them. Examples:
Favorite purse ever. |
More birds. |
Aaaaand... another bird. |
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