Thursday, October 28, 2010


It happened as I finished lunch today.  It's glorious.  I wanted to start cheering - or maybe dancing.  As you can see, I came perilously close to it not happening, but I was able to avert danger both times.

I'm marking today on my calendar, because today is the day that I got my first honest-to-goodness No-Hitter*!


My No-Hitter - brought to you (unofficially) by Chobani Pinapple
Greek Yogurt.  That free case I'm getting won't last long, if this
is what happens.

*The term "No-Hitter" was coined by Holly, of Arnold and Me.  The official definition, from her website:
"A no-hitter (also known as a streamline) is a time period in which a diabetic does not hit their high or low threshold on their CGM. For a Dexcom user, they must be without any alarms during the entire day, and the day must be at least 24 hours. A diabetic who prevents their blood sugars from reaching a threshold is said to have "bolused a no-hitter"."

I didn't vary anything significant in my routine - in fact, thinking back, I actually ate more carbs than I normally do on a weekday.

Some days are just luckier than others.  Today's a good day after all. :)

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